Sunday, August 24, 2014


In 7 days time, Malaysians from all walks of life, creed, religion and races will celebrate our 57th. Anniversary of Independence Day or Merdeka Day. We achieved our Independence from Britain through negotiation and compromise from all Malaysian under the leadership of Tunku Abdul Rahman.

At the same time, we celebrate our Malaysia Day on 16th. September 2014.

Over these 57 years, Malaya then and Malaysia now has gone through many challenges including the MH370 and MH17 tragedies. However, with the co-operation of the three main groups within Malaysia, we have managed to overcome these challenges. We prospered, work, play and live in harmony over these years and built Malaysia into what is today.

Many challenges lie ahead. Europe is in a state of uncertainty due to the Eurozone problems and Ukranian situation. USA's economy is still not robust enough while in Asia, China's growth is slowing.

Malaysians must unite together and face these challenges head-on. With all Malaysians working together in unison, we can overcome these external threats. Besides that, we need to overcome internal conflicts within Malaysia herself.

Peace and Harmony within Malaysia is important. We must maintain and improve our economic, social and financial goals so that Malaysians of future generations can enjoy the peace and prosperity built by our ancestors in our years ahead.

To do our part in welcoming our National Day, we have raised our Malaysian flags in the lift lobby and the entrance of our JMB office at the lower ground floor.


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